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9th April 2020
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23rd April 2020Umbrella Insolvency youngsters have been displaying rainbows in the windows of their homes during the coronavirus outbreak.

Are you wondering why there are rainbows popping up in windows around your local area too?
With social distancing and restrictions due to coronavirus, children are connecting with each other by creating colourful rainbows and displaying them in their windows for passers-by to see and to spread hope and cheer.
It is thought this rainbow display trend began in Italy but has quickly caught on in other countries.
Lots of rainbows have been shared on UK social media, including a Facebook group called Chase the Rainbow suggesting:
“Create a rainbow picture to display in your window so that children can go rainbow spotting whilst out for walks.”
On Twitter, people are sharing their own displays with #chasetherainbow.
There is even an interactive map which has been created so children can see where other rainbows are.
Umbrella Insolvency staff are working remotely whilst maintaining a fully operational service. Creating rainbows are keeping the youngsters busy so their mums and dads can focus on supporting our insolvency customers and partners.
“Please be assured that we are confidently maintaining ‘business as usual’ in all areas of the business. We will continue to monitor developments to ensure we can react quickly. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Thank you to the super talented Umbrella Insolvency youngsters Ethan and Austin for sending in their beautiful rainbows. They are all amazing and will help your ‘home working’ parents and passers-by feel positive, full of hope and motivated during this difficult time”. Nick Holmes, CEO